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The Power of Creative Destruction: Economic Upheaval and the Wealth of Nations-Céline Antonin,Simon Bunel

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Ebook About
From one of the world’s leading economists and his coauthors, a cutting-edge analysis of what drives economic growth and a blueprint for prosperity under capitalism.Crisis seems to follow crisis. Inequality is rising, growth is stagnant, the environment is suffering, and the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed every crack in the system. We hear more and more calls for radical change, even the overthrow of capitalism. But the answer to our problems is not revolution. The answer is to create a better capitalism by understanding and harnessing the power of creative destruction—innovation that disrupts, but that over the past two hundred years has also lifted societies to previously unimagined prosperity.To explain, Philippe Aghion, Céline Antonin, and Simon Bunel draw on cutting-edge theory and evidence to examine today’s most fundamental economic questions, including the roots of growth and inequality, competition and globalization, the determinants of health and happiness, technological revolutions, secular stagnation, middle-income traps, climate change, and how to recover from economic shocks. They show that we owe our modern standard of living to innovations enabled by free-market capitalism. But we also need state intervention with the appropriate checks and balances to simultaneously foster ongoing economic creativity, manage the social disruption that innovation leaves in its wake, and ensure that yesterday’s superstar innovators don’t pull the ladder up after them to thwart tomorrow’s. A powerful and ambitious reappraisal of the foundations of economic success and a blueprint for change, The Power of Creative Destruction shows that a fair and prosperous future is ultimately ours to make.

Book The Power of Creative Destruction: Economic Upheaval and the Wealth of Nations Review :

There has been much said recently about the trends we see in the modern economy with regards to labor capital, globalization and environmental degradation. There are optimistic and pessimistic analysis and from an economic standpoint what is often focused on are the failures of the market in some capacity. The Power of Creative destruction has a different focus. It takes a look at the creative destruction forces that are at the core of the changes to the modern economy and analyzes their dynamics with numerous case studies substantiating the policy responses that should lead to best outcomes given the results of the studies. It is a very interesting and ultimately optimistic book that sees a partially renewed role of government due to the tendency of unchecked capitalism to morph into monopoly rent businesses resistant to change.The book is broken into chapters each focusing on small themes that weave together to push the authors conclusions on the benefits of creative destruction for progress and the eventual labor demands they create, though they highlight the creation is not simultaneous with the destruction. The authors start by discussing the dynamics of labor gains and losses to businesses subject to greater competition and see them dependent on whether businesses are at the forefront of their industry or protected by barriers to entry. They use this example to highlight that where industries are strong, globalization leads to greater labor opportunities in automating industries. Thus automation per-se does not destroy jobs where automating firms are growing. The authors then discuss competition and how to think about the dynamics of competition on open and closed economies and the overall benefits of competition to generating productivity growth. They use the lens of patents to measure much of the process and technological improvements that are taking place. The authors tackle a whole host of current contentious ideas, including taxation and distribution of wealth. They focus on rents and the benefits of entrepreneurs to receive excess competition. They use studies like emigration of scientists as a function of taxes to show the need to reward innovators. The authors discuss the economic transitions that have generated growth and the rapid hollowing of the industrial US. They discuss how those frictions and move to the service sector have more favorable dynamics when there is government support for labor. They use the Nordic's for case examples of the benefits of labor policies to dampen the frictions of globalization. The author discuss globalization broadly and bring in the need of the state to be a key agent in protecting those affected with policies that take assignment of blame away from the individual. Their studies show the US as having extremely favorable conditions for entrepreneurs but poor protections for those affected by globalization whereas in much of continental Europe it is the opposite. They argue the need for both in these changing times.The Power of Creative Destruction brings a fresh advocacy for entrepreneurial capitalism. There is an increasing pushback to such a growth model due to the destruction it can be seen to bring but the authors argue this is misreading the dynamics and that ultimately entrepreneurs drive growth and demand for labor. It is unfortunately impossible to really know but their arguments are substantiated and the case studies convincing in their narrower context. Nonetheless this is an insightful overview of an economic perspective that should be considered more as to why the economy grows. The author is a growth specialist who's textbook is well used in graduate school. It is a bit dry so at times if one is reading for one's own information it gets a bit boring but the content is rich.
Not for the casual reader, but with some background in economics and economic policy, this book should stimulate and satisfy. The argument is timely since government investment in scientific R & D has come back into fashion. A limpid translation from the French.

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